Friday, October 28, 2016

These Fascinating Images Showing Unborn Animals Inside the Womb is Truly Extraordinary!

The creation of life, whether it be human or animal, is a fascinatingly beautiful and complex process!
Expecting parents have always been curious as to how their child looks like inside the womb. Modern science has made it possible to look inside the womb via ultrasound. Not only do parents get to see their unborn child, but doctors will also be able to determine if the child has any abnormalities. But have you ever been curious as to how animals look inside the womb? The creation of life, whether it be human or animal, is a fascinatingly beautiful and complex process!
These images are from The National Geographic’s documentary named “Extraordinary Animals in the Womb” by Producer Peter Chinn. The steps used to acquire such rare imagery was a combination of four-dimensional scanning technology, computer graphics and minuscule cameras.
*Keep in mind, however, that these are not photographs but rather extremely accurate depictions of what these animals look like in the womb. 
Tiger Shark

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Thursday, October 27, 2016

NBA Superstar Last Supper Illustration

This amazing Last Supper piece created by Karmo Ruusmaa for the Ballzy store in Latvia features Michael Jordan, Russell Westbrook, Chris Paul, Kevin Durant, Derrick Rose, LeBron James, Kyrie Irving, Kobe Bryant, Dirk Nowitzki, Allen Iverson, Tim Duncan, Vince Carter and Shaquille O’Neal. Sick!

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The Woman Who Gave Birth to a Horse

The Nigerian Nation reports that a woman gave birth to a horse during a service at the World Liberation Ministry in Edo State:

It was gathered that the woman whose identity was not yet known started screaming during the prayer session and began to bleed from the vagina before the horse came out.
The General Overseer of the church, Evangelist Silva Wealth, said he was still amazed at what came out of the woman.
He told Journalists that during prayers a revelation came that there was a woman with an issue and that something was blocking her womb.
Silva said as prayers intensified, the woman started screaming and bleeding started when the object came out.
The cleric said he couldn't confirm whether the horse was dead or alive because he didn't go near it.
 "I can't describe the object. We have seen people that vomited several things during our service but not this type of thing. God has been blessing our ministry with prophesies and miracles," he said.

Assuming that the story is true — to the extent that a horse fetus really did emerge (or appear to emerge) from a woman during the church service — then we have to assume the incident was faked. That is, a horse fetus didn't really grow inside the woman's womb, because that would be impossible.

So what we have is a modern-day version of Mary Toft, the Woman Who Gave Birth to Rabbits (back in 1726).

Mary faked giving birth to rabbits in the hope of receiving a pension from the King. But why this Nigerian woman has faked giving birth to a horse is not yet known. Perhaps she's trying to help the World Ministry Church acquire a reputation for miracles.    


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

This Man Doesn’t Have Any Legs but He Makes an Honest Living at a Vulcanizing Shop

If all the criminals out there would see this disabled man, they will surely be ashamed of themselves.
Many able-bodied men (and women) choose to take from others in order to survive, than working and earning money through honest ways. But if all the criminals out there would see this disabled man, they will surely be ashamed of themselves.

This unnamed man inspired many netizens by working honestly despite his disability. Facebook user Jansen Sangueza were on their way to Ilocos Norte in the Philippines to deliver foam beds when one of their wheels was punctured. With the busted wheel, they couldn’t get any further. Thankfully, they saw a vulcanizing shop nearby and decided to have their tire replaced.

Sangueza and his companions were surprised that a disabled man was the one who was about to fix their vehicle for them. It may seem like a hard job especially in his condition, but he did an amazing job! As a matter of fact, the job was done faster than what they expected.

The photos and video of the man immediately went viral on social media. The man, thought unidentified, inspired many others who were amazed by the man’s honest way of living.

The unidentified man was working for his wife and two children who were waiting for him at home.
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Baffled Local Discovers ‘Alien Fish’ With Spikes and Humanoid Teeth Stuck to a Tree in Singapore

A local named Lau Lup found an odd-looking fish stuck to a tree Punggol Promenade in Singapore. The hideous fish had bulging eyes, spikes on the top and bottom bottom portions of its body—and humanoid teeth.
Photo from Stomp/SG
But if you look closely, the fish resembled a ‘tripod fish’, which is a common find in the Singaporean shores. This fish has the ability to stand on its three fins. It is only a 14 inch long fish but has long bony fins that are a yard long—but it doesn’t have humanoid teeth.
Lau Lup believes the fish was of alien origin: “How did it get there? Is this an endangered species?
Photo from Stomp/SG
“It looks alien to me. Maybe readers can identify this fish species and explain how it met its demise on a tree.”
Photo from Stomp/SG
Some netizens concluded that the fish might have been washed to the shores by flood waters—or that this was a simple prank somebody played on him.
Are there fish with human-like teeth?

The only known fish for its human-like teeth is the Pacu fish. Their teeth are surprisingly human-like. They often dine on aquatic plants, snails and even nuts, but their infliction of teeth in humans can cause unbearable pain.
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Monday, October 24, 2016

WTF? Woman Poops In Public In A Way You Could Never Imagine

Ninjas are known for their quick and stealthy moves. However, nowadays, the so-called “ninja moves” is commonly used to describe a discreet action whether good or bad. And this video will show us how it is done, especially when nature calls and bathrooms are inaccessible. LOL!

It was like a normal scenario at first, a woman sitting on a road side bench.

But then she took something out of her legs…her underwear!

She then slowly moved to the edge of the bench, pulled the back part of her skirt, and dropped the bomb!

                                         Watch the shocking footage:

It seems that the woman thought nobody was looking, too bad she was caught on cam.
When nature calls, you have to go. Sadly, sometimes it happens at the wrong place and at the wrong time. If you’re at the woman’s shoes, would you do the same?

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What This Guy Found On The Beach Could Be Proof Of Mermaids...Wait, What?!

When I was a little girl, my sister and I always pretended to be mermaids while we were swimming.

We fervently wished they were real and that we could become them, but as we grew older, we obviously accepted the fact that these mythological creatures don't actually exist.
However, after seeing what one man found washed ashore on an English beach, I have to wonder whether our world holds way more mysteries than I previously thought possible.

When Paul Jones and his friends took a trip to the beach in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, they came across this astounding sight.

Facebook / Paul Jones

They weren't sure what to think. It can't be a normal fish, because HELLO -- it obviously has a human-shaped skull.

Facebook / Paul Jones

There's always the possibility that this could be an early Halloween prank, but that really begs the question -- who's responsible for it?

Facebook / Paul Jones
