Thursday, October 6, 2016

BEWARE! This College Student was Set on Fire When His iPhone6 Plus Exploded In His Back Pocket!

We all know that Latest Mobile Phones are very popular nowadays, be it the Samsung Galaxy 7s or the iPhone 6/7s. They keep enhancing and upgrading not just the software but also the hardware. But one concern is the battery life, most of the tech-savvy persons would opt to have a phone that has a larger battery capacity.
Who would’ve thought that our iPhone could be a threat to our life!

Just last month, Samsung Galaxy 7s were recalled from the market after incidents of randomly blowing up. Reason? The phone’s battery has a defect. But that issue has faded now, the one that we’re talking about here is an iPhone 6 Plus that exploded in the pocket of this student from Philadelphia.
Darin Hlavaty, the victim, got caught on fire while inside the class after his phone exploded in his back. Yes, he got caught on fire!
He was reaching for his pocket to get a pen, but he noticed that his phone started smoking until a fire was lit. He started feeling this hot burning sensation in his leg.
Because of the pain, he panicked and threw the device across the room.
“It was super hot so I flinched, grabbed it, and threw it on the ground”, “I had to kick it because it was on fire.” He said.
You can see from the picture below that the device was burnt to crisp. Imagine if he hadn’t removed it from his pocket.
A fellow student said that he heard an odd “fizzing and popping sound” before his pocket started smoking. No other student was hurt in the incident and campus public safety arrived at the scene. Their class were moved to another room because their previous room was reeking of smoky-smell.
Though everyone knows that this is not an isolated case,
Here’s a similar incident where a a man’s leg was burned because of an iPhone exploding.

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